Quote Originally Posted by ephekt View Post
Still, as a pvp game it leaves a lot to be desired, like that fact that you have to pve at all or grind levels. The fact that pvp wasn't tacked on to a pve-grind fest engine as an after thought puts it a cut above most MMOs, but the lack of arenas or any form of organized pvp, ladders or a tournament system hurts it as a pvp game imo. Granted, RvR is pretty fun at the moment, but it's far from competitive, and I just don't know if it will be able to keep me interested in the long term.

MMOs would do well to learn from Guild Wars, imo. These types of games have a lot to offer in terms of complexity and depth of gameplay, but always seem to screw up the pvp catering to RPers and poopsockers. War seems to have gotten some things right (pvp right from the start, bolstering etc), but still follows the stale old MMO mold in many places. I just hope that they improve on their system.
I hated arena in WoW. The RVR in WAR seems more like you're partaking in an epic story rather than some xbox live e-penis competition.