I sold my copy of Left 4 Dead to a coworker because I never played it. I told him I would play it before I sold it to him, and I was like, uh oh, this is kinda fun. I sold it to him anyway, and picked up Left 4 Dead 2 about a week ago. I like this game, it's pretty fun.

If you find a decent enough group of people to play with, that is. You know, will heal you, give you pills and adrenaline shots and stuff like that. I didn't think I'd like this game that much but it turned out to be a good purchase.

Although the adding of the Jockey was terrible. I hate that fucker. And I hate the witch's cry. And how there's like six billion of them in the sugar mill in Hard Rain.

And I've always thought the Hunter looks like a little emo kid, what with the hooded sweatshirt and all. If anyone wants to play over xbox live, maybe we can sometime.