So apparently this week is "Preview Dead Space Week" at the major game sites.

Quote Originally Posted by IGN
If you've ever seen a horror or action movie, there's something that immediately stands out: a routine rescue mission never goes according to the routine, and the people sent out to perform the rescue frequently need saving themselves. That's definitely the case with Dead Space, EA's upcoming survival horror title set in the claustrophobic corridors of the USG Ishimura. We've followed the title for a while now, tracking the details of the doomed vessel and Isaac Clarke's struggle for survival, but we only recently had a chance to check out a preview build of the game, which provided us with a taste of what gamers will experience in early October.
Quote Originally Posted by GameSpy
Since its announcement last fall, EA's Dead Space has made some big waves. We'll dispense with the background and niceties about the plot and get down to the nitty gritty. In the future, Earth's resources are scarce, and humanity survives by sending mining ships around the galaxy to strip the elements from other planets. As space miner Isaac Clarke, you're aboard the Nishimura, a massive mining ship that's gone AWOL and offline. Naturally, after you board the ship with fellow employees, things go decidedly pear-shaped.
Quote Originally Posted by Gamespot
EA's upcoming sci-fi horror game Dead Space drops you into the not-so-lucky space suit of Isaac Clarke, a member of a deep space rescue team. Unfortunately for Clarke, his own rescue team finds itself in need of rescue quicker than Corporal Dwayne Hicks of Aliens can say, "Game over, man!" The game is being developed internally at EA and has been making us jump since we got our first look some months ago. We finally got our hands on a work-in-progress version of the game for the Xbox 360 to see how the various demos we've seen all fit together.