Quote Originally Posted by pandar View Post
Search and Destroy spawn killing (noob tubing mainly) falls into this category. It seems worse than ever on this game. A little shimmy to the side on most maps and you can shoot people within 3 seconds too.

Before the update everyone was complaining about the 1887's. Not really sure how effective they are now.

RPG's I guess TOGS, but I'd rather get killed by them than grenade launchers. At least you actually earn the RPG's (lvl 65) rather than getting ten kills with your main gun and getting rewarded with them.

Still the 1887s. In case you all hadn't realised, IW fucked up the update. If you bling the 1887s they actually have the same (or possibly even larger) range as before the update.

Also the javelin glitch sucked in Domination.