beat the campaign co-op legendary on release day, been working on solo legendary campaign with 6+ skulls up on every mission (usually the 3 fun ones -- grunt birthday, IWHBYD (BDBMOF), whatever the third one is), plus tilt, catch,famine, maybe mythic?

it's rough but i'm about halfway through the campaign (various assorted missions) with skulls up. pretty fun stuff. gives you something to beat your face against after steamrolling the relatively easy campaign.

Not that Legendary Halo Reach was easy by any stretch, but I mean it's the same with all the Halos -- once you adapt to your abilities/weapons/physics engine, it's not really too bad (unless you turn fucking skulls on, then it's just a bloodbath).

Oh and I'm at Lt. Col. grade 1 rank. Would have probably capped it at Lt.C.3 but haven't had internet for about a week and a half now, so we're cut off from MM. Would love to play some team slayer or even some free-for-all with any other discoursers who are interested -- gamertag is Zionmoose.