Damn I just played for 7 hours today, it was quite fun, my GPU gets pretty hot though D:

And then my frame rate just started to drop so I stopped playing. I mainly play nuketown, I do pretty well unless it's like 9 on 9 and everyone is spamming nades. I mean I could spam nade too, but I like to carry around my tomahawk .

Spent a decent amount of time on Wager matches playing mostly Sticks and Stones. It's really fun, and the only wager match that I can manage to always win. On gun game I always end up 4th -_-. One in the Chamber was pretty fun too. The wager matches really put you in the zone heh. I haven't gotten around the sharp shooter yet, but I'm already at level 20 so yay. Just need level 33 and I can lug around a crossbow hehe.