Quote Originally Posted by ozzy View Post
I can see LoL being better in 1 thing and thats community, because HoN has the most god forsaken community to ever be in a game. If you can put up with rage inducing whiners and huehuehue Brazilians (or Russians for you EU folk) then its worth it.
That's probably because HoN is much closer to DotA All-Stars than LoL is.

I somehow got a beta invitation for HoN. God, it was abso-fucking-lutely terrible how bad the community was, and I agree with Coq in that with LoL you can actually get into the game without having to slog through learning a mind-bogglingly complex metagame and how to tediously micromanage through a huge amount of trial and error while other players are hurling epithets at you and and making claims about your mother's sexual proclivities.

There's a degree of straight-forwardness to LoL that HoN is completely lacking.

And it's not as hugely simplified as Demigod, which is on the opposite extreme: no forests, no cover, only 10 characters, no item recipes (you just re-sell old equipment), etc. It deviates somewhat from the DotA model in some ways, such as being more about capping and keeping territories rather than only pushing through lanes to destroy turrets, but still it doesn't add nearly as much as it strips away.