when are you going to use rohypnol in my drinks bbz? It's been too long xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
Oh and your next post will be your thousandth. Don't waste it.
It would depend on the town. And the date. And which brand of rohypnol you plan on using in my drinks (I have allergies).
oops I guessed I spoiled it.
pay me by this week or I'm telling everyone that you are actually a spambot
thanks, its much appreciated by the way, are you actually a sailor?
I found out your secret. This is your first notice. I am blackmailing you.
Tu est tres belle.
because I don't do this whole fucking zoints style shit
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Mega Bore
))) joke, relax ;)
I loves sausage festival!
Cock Blancmange
A very manly muppet
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windmills of your mind