Quote Originally Posted by ThatGeorgeGuy View Post
That's just the opposite of true just because a person plays table top role playing games does not make him automatically not have a life. First of all it takes friends to play such games and these games have a huge fan base where people socialize and talk about it and gain more friends through their shared interest. I play these games but it is not all i do i have a very full and rich social life. This thread is about your plans for the zombie apocalypse not to make fun of those who have a plan.
Well I know the rules to a number of tabletop roleplaying games but the reason I only play them online is because the people who do play them are fucking weird and I don't know that I could tolerate being in the same room with them. In high school we played 40k and when we would go into the store the only people in there playing were the most vile, disgusting human being with neither hygene nor social skills. I know not every person who plays these games is that way (obviously, I am not) but the thought of having to spend time with people I would otherwise never associate with makes me content to do it online if at all.

Anyways, my plan would be to unload our gas tanks, throw food, rifles, and warm clothes in my truck and drive to my dad's in Wyoming. I think our tank is 150 gallons, so that should get me at least through Nebraska. From there, between the sparse population, mountains, and wide open spaces it should be no problem riding it out. If anything we to happen, we have ATVs and would just head up higher into the mountains.

If for some reason that didn't work, I'd get on my buddy's sailboat and head to the Caribbean.