do you mean daniel

and yeah well look BSG is a better-told story than firefly, and a more interesting use of the tv medium. the best writing of BSG comes close to -- but does not quite reach -- the best of firefly. the best characters are on par creatively, but i didn't "personally connect" to any of them as much as i did, say, mal reynolds or wash. what makes BSG so amazing is its incredibly tight, perfectly-paced story arc (with as much mythology and suspense as Lost, just paced WAY better... and also it is better in every other way as well), laid out with incomparable finesse, and its extremely engaging, fleshed-out characters.

it fell down a bit here and there -- when it got religion-preachy (especially the last episode) and speechifying it lost me a little, and occasionally they'd get a little too-sci-fi-y, which is fine in other shows, but it seemed out of place and a little lazy in this. also, when they over-used "frak" i started to find it a little silly, as opposed to when it just occasionally peppered the dialogue and fitted right in.