Just wanna start off by saying I'm not joking about any of this. My brother's 19 and he's never had a job or a relationship before. He's infatuated with our first cousin who is a year younger than him but she's pretty much made it clear that she isn't for that sort of uh.. thing. I guess it's because him and her always used to hang out and were pretty much best friends when they were a bit younger then she started dating and he, well, didn't.

Oh, and she's got a year old kid. Anyway, now that's out of the way... He's always been a pretty good kid, but lately he's been progressively becoming a grade a douchebag and that's the nice way to put it. He bitched out our cousin, called her a whore and all that, and has been hanging out with my other male cousin who is my age. Now I love my other cousin like a brother, but he's a douche and not much of a role model considering he's 4 years older than my brother and still hasn't really had a job since he was 17 and sits around selling/smoking weed all day treating most people like shit.

Also they've been hitting the titty bars pretty much every night to my knowledge getting blasted off their asses. I'm all for hitting the bars and getting wasted once in a while, but shit he never drank really before this. Not only that but my dad recently had a stroke and just a week ago crushed his pelvis when some young kid accidently drove into him with a bobcat.

My brother never calls my dad unless he sends him money and even after I called him to tell him about our dad and he said he would... he didn't.

Oh and my mom broke up with my dad to bang some short biker dude whose nickname is 'Hobbit'(No, seriously) which my brother wasn't too happy about. My brother also lives with my mom a ferry ride and two hour drive away from where my dad lives and about that add an hour from where I live.

Damn, okay that seems like a lot of shit, just wanted to make sure I had... pretty much all the details. So, I'm wondering whether I should talk to my brother and call him out on being a douche(which I`m a little concerned will make what little contact I have with him disappear as it has for my dad). I've told him to find some hot chick to date, but he didn't really seem to take the advice.

That or at least get your opinions on the general situation.(Really, thinking about it after writing it all down I think his main problem is he needs to get laid, should I just put it bluntly like that..?)