The calendar is a good idea. An idea that you will forever be able to use to manage your time, not just in college.

Get some friends, go camping or hiking one day. Just something to get away and relax. No deadlines, no essays and no worrying. Then get back to work.

I have a feeling that the stress you put yourself under isn't going to stop once you get out of school. It happens to a lot of us. Got a job? Okay let's get that promotion! Got the promotion? Ok become the best and get the next promotion! Learning how to deal with it now is going to help you for life. The calendar idea is great, but what else can we do? I like Evernote or even a notebook. I can put shit in it then forget about it. Another thing I don't have to worry about because I have it on paper or on a digital device.

Now I know some people who don't worry about shit until they step in it, but for the rest of us we have to learn to manage it so we don't have an aneurism.