My standards are totally different. I realize that I'm not currently able to work a job I want to, so I just set up a few different criteria of things I didn't want and made sure I avoided those in my job search. For me, it was:

Not standing in the exact same spot for 8 hours
Not being confined indoors for 8 hours
Better pay than I was already getting
No fast food

So I ended up getting a job as a mover. I'd identified these things as being particulars that made me feel absolutely awful when I had to work jobs with them, so I found a compromise that let me find a measure of enjoyment with what I do. Again, this is specific to myself, but I do enjoy learning new skill sets and trying to master them, so maybe finding a new job that seems vaguely interesting and trying to master the skills required to be amazing at it (big fish, small pond) could be something to look for?

I think the biggest thing to help me with my sense of ennui is just looking for small things that brighten my day just a little bit. Maybe it's the lighting in a particular room. Maybe it's getting my moving truck through a really tight space, or loading a piece into the back that fits exactly right. Whatever tiny things they may be, they're tiny things that I can draw satisfaction from and are easy enough to accomplish throughout any given work day.