I've used payday loans for a while now and for the most part have been able to keep it under control... at least until recently. My roommate moved away and I've been living on my own for a bit now(I'm in my very early 20s). I'm currently about 2600 dollars in debt with pay day loans, bills, and a credit card(which is 1000 of the total). I'm struggling to find ways to pay off loans and then find myself having to re-loan in order to pay of other loans/bills which keeps me in a vicious cycle.

It started because I was stupid, basically. I took out four pay day loans and kept thinking that I still had another person to help me with half the rent/food/etc. when I didn't. I could pay off the 2600 in about 2 months, but I with rent, food and bills adding up it just seems to... stay the same. I pay back 500, then have to re-loan 400 to make rent, then have to pay back another 500.

2600 isn't too bad, at least that's what I got from reading online about some debts... but a couple of the pay day loan places always try and take the money from my bank, which results in NSF fees which just digs my hole deeper.

I'm wondering how I should go about slowly repaying and getting out of this hole? I considered holding off on the payday loans, paying my essentials such as rent/food/bills and then picking away at them without having to re-loan? It would take a bit longer though and money would be tight, but it seems to me that paying off entire payday loans only to have to re-loan pretty much the same amount will just keep me where I am.

Any advice is helpful, even if you call me an idiot for getting into this situation in the first place. I just need to be able to get a paycheck and not have to worry about how I'm going to buy enough food for two weeks.