As you mentioned, yes you are an idiot for getting in this position in the first place, but if everyone was a financial wizard than payday loan companies wouldn't be in business.
You have figured out that payday loans are quite predatory and scammy, they are set up to leave you in near perpetual debt. First order of business is to get the payday loan guys out of your life for good - if you can sell something to come up with the money (garage sale?) I'd say that'd be your first choice of action. Secondly, if you credit isn't completely shot, try to get a personal loan from a bank. Even a secured loan against your car or something would be better than playing the payday loan game. Use the loan to pay off the payday folks completely and then make regular non-predatory payments back to the bank. Upshot of this is it would help build your credit too, by making on-time payments to a legit lender that reports to the credit bureaus.

Bright side, you're in your early 20s, and $2600 bucks sounds like a lot but really unless you have student loans up the wazoo or are in some kind of stupid car payment or home mortgage situation which might compound your problem, this is relatively a walk in the park compared to a lot of people in a financial tizzy. You're young, and it's summer time - great time to make money. Get a moonlight job delivering pizzas or advertise lawn mowing or odd jobs or whatever, you can make an extra $2600 in a couple or three months no problem if you work hard for it.

If you have any more questions or more details about your situation feel free to post here, or PM me if you want - I am an accountant in real life and while I don't do personal finance stuff as part of my professional job, it's a bit of a hobby of mine so I know a good deal about it. I'd be happy to chat with you more to get a gameplan together and keep your identity anonymous of course.

Number #1 priority for you right now is to not take a dollar more in payday loans, pay them off as fast as you can and get that shit out of your life and never go back there again. That's just bad juju that nobody should have in their life, as you have noticed by the NSF fees and other side effects like probably not sleeping well at night. You can get through this though, in a pretty short amount of time, with a game plan and some elbow grease, so don't worry too much - this is easily within the realm of reality in terms of getting through it.