Just as Rick says you need to stop doing the payday loans. They are a legal way to steal money from poor people. Honestly you'd be better off borrowing the 2600 from a loan shark than to do another payday loan. Not really but you get the point. Let's say you do the loan for 100 bucks and the fees are 25. If you did it just one time it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But they are set up so that it's an endless loop. After the first one you are just giving the company 25 bucks every two weeks for nothing. It should be number one priority that you never do it again.

It's going to be hard (That's what she said) but you need to get a savings account and actually put some in it for hard times. You never know when, like last week for me, that you're computer gives up the ghost or any number of other things that you need or want.

Another thing is that people want to get out of debt but no one wants to sacrifice what the want to get it. In other words, it's going to be hard but you're going to have to cut out the fun stuff and get serious. Got a netflix account? Drop it. Expensive dinners? Eat leftovers. Gym membership? Do some exercising at home.

You get the idea. It's hard, I've been there and with a lot of work and strategically placed raises and promotions it got fixed. Luckily I've never had a credit card to rack up the bills. I had the loans with various companies that racked up around 12K which put me into a live check to check situation coupled with a payday loan loop. You can do it.