Quote Originally Posted by Cryptic View Post
I'm not a member of PETA. They're extremist motherfuckers that make anyone who supports animal rights look like a raving psycho. I don't think everyone should convert to vegetarianism. I'm not vegan - I eat cheese, eggs, honey, milk, etc. I actually support animal testing as long as it's done ethically with regard to the animal's wellbeing during it's time as a test subject, even if that ends in euthansia, because I understand drugs tested on animals have saved the lives of people I care for. PETA nutbags don't THINK, they just follow. I could care less if people want to eat meat - it's just not right for me. However, I don't think any animal should be needlessly mistreated for any reason. And that includes not knowing how to take care of it. My question to you would then be why did you get the fish if it doesn't have value to you? It must have had SOME value or you wouldn't have purchased it in the first place.

As for "not valuing" fungi or plants, there's the little logistic issue of "I've got to eat something".
I still don't get how you can say he doesn't know how to treat it correctly, what he did seemed common sense to me. If I'm leaving my dog home for a night I give him a bigger feed before we leave, I don't go and research that it's just what I'd do seeming he wouldn't have food over night. Of course it has value to him he said in previous posts that the fish had a wonderful personality and was very active until this happened as soon as he got back and saw what had happened he did what he thought was right by cleaning the bowl etc... if he was not caring for the animal then he would have left it as is and the fish would probably be dead by now. Maybe it was his fault for putting that much food in but at the time that wasn't known and by the sounds of it they're doing all they can to reverse the cause and get him healthy again.

Not everybody is like you and will pay a shit load of money to fix their pet, my Aunty and Uncles dog has a really bad hip problem and the vet said that he'd deteriorate in 1 year and need to be put down unless they pay some rediculous amount like $5000 to have surgery, they don't have $5000 laying around so they've chosen to put him down, does that mean that they don't care or value their dog? before he had his hip problems they walked him every day he has his own kennel and gets fed well and is treated extremely well. I got a kitten fromt he shelter and he had kennel cough and had the best personality I ever had he was so cute when I hung a scrwed up bit of paper from the roof and he speant hours trying to catch it but I still couldn't afford to get the treatment so we decided to get him put down.