Quote Originally Posted by Absolution View Post
Are you kidding me? Your first mistake was staying friends with a kid who stole your shit, that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Are you really that desperate for "friends" that you'll let people back in your life that STOLE FROM YOU?!? I mean shit, we've all chosen shitty friends in our lives, you usually don't know about it until it's too late, but honestly you actually are partly responsible for what happened because you allowed these people back in your life, knowing what they were like.

You're not too trusting, there is something else going on here, and I suggest you take a good hard look in the mirror and figure out why you keep letting people fuck you over. People that allow that kind of thing just have big, red bullseyes on their foreheads and flashing "sucker" signs on their backs, and will continue to attract more of the same kind of people until they fix what's wrong with them and fill whatever gap exists in their lives that causes them to continue to let others walk all over them.