Quote Originally Posted by bobii View Post
I'm 17 and I dropped out of school. Any job I apply for doesn't call back. It's maybe because I wanna work the day shift only. I don't want the evening shift because I won't be able to have any social life at all . The night shift interests me because I'll get paid more and it won't interract with my social life.

I'm really getting depressed right now. I'm doing nothing all day until school is out so I finaly can see some people. I'm tired of having no money and I can't do anything if my friends don't pay for me.

Does any of you have worked the night shift before? What are the pros and cons?
Another thing I want to point out, and you need to realize, is that you're young. Firstly, what kind of jobs are you applying for? Do you have any previous professional (not under-the-table) work experience? If not, thats already going to make it hard to get a job. Also, teenagers can't be picky when it comes to jobs, especially your first. You need to tell them you're pretty much 100% available. Not being in school will actually help in this area, because you really are always available for work. Working the evening shift is something you're going to have to deal with. Thats when teenagers are wanted most. Adults are usually getting out of work, and teenagers typically getting out of school, thus they go from school to their evening job. So the adults that were working that day, are getting replaced by the teens that evening. Besides, its not like you'll be working every single day anyways... Spend your days off with your friends, not trying to fit around them between shifts. Its easier that way.

About the night shifts; they aren't that bad if your company is good about sticking to your hours. I just got off nights, and enjoyed it for the most part. Although, my social life for the time being did suffer greatly. This was only because of the fact that the crew I was working with were a bunch of lazy fucks, and couldn't finish their work on time so we we're typically stuck working 12 to 14 hours shifts. What was going to be a normal 9pm to 5am shift, ALWAYS turned into 9 to 9, or 9 to 10, or even 9 to 11. So after working 14 hours I'd go home and sleep from 11 to 8, giving me just enough time to shower and go back to work... So yeah, the only time I got to see my friends was on the weekends, but I still had a good time regardless. So like I said at the beginning, overnights are alright if whoever you're working with gets their damn job done and you get to go home on time.