Quote Originally Posted by djwolford View Post
It's because you're gay, lulz.

Seriously though, it could be a number of things. Some information that could really help get the question answered correctly-

1. Have you had your testosterone levels checked?
2. Are you stressed?
3. Are you sleeping enough?
4. Do you use any drugs(legal or illegal) or consume alcohol regularly?
5. Are you diabetic?
6. Do you suffer from depression?

1. No, but I want to. At least it's a place to start. I asked my doc about it and he was the one that said I was fine, just stressed about college.

2. A little like I said, but honestly who isn't? I mean I don't stay up all night freaking out and obsessing and there's nothing I'm really super worried about. I'd say I have no more or less stress than normal.

3. Yeah, I get 7 or 8 a night, more when I have time to be a lazy ass.

4. No and no. I used to, in moderation - some painkillers here and there and going out drinking on the weekends but I cut all that out to see if it would help. It didn't.

5. Nope.

6. Nope, not depressed. Pretty content with life, for the most part.