Quote Originally Posted by Pogo View Post
No. That's not good enough. Suck it up. If you don't take ant chances opportunity will pass you by time and time again. Failure or rejection are always a possibility but that should NOT stop you from living.

You get scared, you freeze up, you start going 'oh no oh no'. That little voice in your head is holding you back, ignore the little bastard. He doesn't want what you want, he wants everything to stay the way it is. Tomorrow could be the first day of an enthralling new chapter or it could just end up another page in your boring ongoing story, you decide.
OP Here.

I know all this, and I thought it was clear in my original post that I did. This is a problem of knowing all this and STILL not doing it. Perhaps it's the fact that I know all this that makes it even harder, but it doesn't really matter. I need the means to ACTUALLY do it AT THE TIME. I don't need general perspective help, I know all these things but it hasn't made a bit of difference except perhaps make it even harder. I didn't used to have as big of a problem with this, but the reality of the situation is that now I'm having this serious psychological problem.

I need something that is actually useful to me.