Quote Originally Posted by Pepsi View Post
I say just rough it out until it becomes unbearable.

If worse comes to worse, however, I'd recommend putting in a request to transfer to another department...maybe the one you were previously in...and if you don't get the transfer, seek a private meeting with your supervisor's boss.

Watch what you say and just be polite. That's the only way I can see it working out without a transfer.

LOL, easier said than done. I get what you mean though, I just don't see HOW it possibly can become bearable.

A transfer isn't an option right now. The department I had my internship in is basically only seasonal. The research they do can only be done in the summer months, so when there's no work for them, they all go to other departments. Even if it were possible, they want you to be in your current department for 18 months before you transfer. I've only been in mine since Sept. Screwed there too.

I've thought about meeting with my supevisor's boss, but I don't really know her at all. The reason my supervisor might be the way she is could be because HER boss is a douchebag too. Also, it's been my experience as well as my parents and my friend's parents (talked about this with a few people more experienced in the professional world than me) that supervisors tend to be cut off the same block. No, it's not always true, but considering that my supervisor is the kind that reacts with aggression whenever she feels threatened, undermined, or challenged, I think that might only make things worse.