God you're not even 18 and already you're having boring sex? We're young, dumb, and full of cum, remember? How can it be boring already?

Maybe you're just shy and/or inexperienced but seriously GET OVER IT! You don't even have to do anything extra freaky to mix it up a little. Try changing the mood; if you're normally gentle and romantic, try being a little forceful. Most women like that even if they don't like outright rough sex (although if she's into what you do, ask her if she'd like to try it a little rough, by all means). Just grab a handful of her hair while kissing her - you don't even have to do it hard. Give her a playful slap on her butt while she's undressing. Just do something that she's NOT expecting. Show her a different side of you. I speak from experience when I say that's a HUGE turn on for guys and girls. One night my kind of conservative ex showed up at my house with stockings and garter under her clothes and holy shit!

If you don't know if she's up for toys, start small. Buy one of those Trojan vibrating ring jobbers. It'll probably help you, and it's less like a "sex toy" if you got it at Walgreens. Just little stuff like that to spice it up a bit.

The body gets used to too much of anything. You can't smell your cologne anymore if you wear the same stuff all the time so you dump on a fuckton. Love sushi? Have it every night. You won't want it for 3 months, I promise. Ever wonder why that new car is only super cool for a couple months, tops? Sex is no different. If you're not interested, no way is your dick going to be interested.