its more than that. this guy has been texting her non-stop, even when we're together. and do you tell every girl you're attracted to how much you want to fuck them in front of their boyfriends? if so, kudos. you have a lot of balls.

she was physically abused by her last boyfriend. she was jumped because she broke up with him and started dating me. i wasnt there to help her. do you know what thats like? to get an 11:00 phone call asking to come over, weeping, and seeing bruises and cuts all up and her her stomach and arms?

i fucking hope not. there was not a goddamned thing i could do to help except make sure she gets to the emergency room.

there are other people at work that show an interest in her. she has gone out with them before. to movies, to dinner, and im fine with that. i really am. but not jorge. i really do trust her, although some of that has diminished since lying to me, but i do not trust him. hes a drinker, and hes a big talker. im not afraid of him seducing her, im afraid of something a little more heinous.

but thats just because ive gotten an 11:00 phone call before, and have had to drive to the ER at 5:00am because the pain is so much that she physically cringes when you try to touch her because it was my fault she got jumped in the first place.

she does have a father, but does that mean im not supposed to look out for her? do i just use her for casual and empty sex and leave emotionality out of it? thats what it sounds like im supposed to do. fuck her and just let her do her own thing, like im no part of her life.

and fuck yes im insecure. this is my first girlfriend in 5 years. the first one that has ever told me she loved me and seemed like she meant it. im not attractive. she is. everyone in the world has baby crushes on her, and i deal with that the best i can. im not bulky. im overweight. im balding. im only 21. of course im insecure.