I've been single for about two and a half years now. For a while I didn't really care because I was still sleeping around with a few different guys, and being in a relationship didn't really matter.

Now I've grown up and grown past that whole sleeping around phase, and I'd really like to have a meaningful relationship now. The problem is, I'm just far too impatient. And I think I just want the relationship too much. I feel like I'm starting to become so desperate for one, that I'm going to go out with the next schmuck I meet who treats me decently.

I can't seem to be comfortable with the fact that I'm single now. All my friends around me are in relationships, and a few are engaged. And of course, I'm happy for them. But at the same time I'm like, "Well where's my guy?"

Also I can't tell you how many guys have said variations of, "So why no boyfriend?" or "How are you still single?" to me. How the fuck am I supposed to answer that?

I don't know what kind of advice you can offer, and this might be more of a rant than anything, but I'm just sick of feeling lonely and I hate it.