I dunno. I've been "friends zoned". I even had a girl tell me that outright. I met a really cool girl once, and I did like her, but I was just so damn busy with cross country and college apps that I didn't feel like it would be fair to ask for more and then not have the time to deliver it. So we were friends til summer when I asked her out, and she said that she'd really liked me when we first met, but I never did anything so she assumed I wasn't interested and at that point I was just a friend. The obvious answer is that she could have asked me out too, but I'm sure she was as nervous as the OP of this thread was and/or wasn't sure how I felt 100% and didn't want to put herself out there.

There is a window of opportunity and sometimes you miss it. It sucks, but it happens to just about everyone at some point.