How many times do people have to say this: SOME girls really don't want boyfriends at a particular time. However, they are in the minority. The other ones just haven't met anyone yet that they WANT as a boyfriend. It's like when someone says "I just don't want to be in a relationship right now". Add "with you" to the end of that. Unless somebody has something hugely stressful and life changing going on, like a cross country move or a dying parent, most everybody will at least consider a relationship if they meet the right person.

If you hang on the outskirts, you're never going to give her the chance to find out if she likes you or not and vice versa. You might as well just never call her again and forget you ever met her if you're going to do that. Girls want guys who take the lead. My girlfriend straight out admitted to me that she liked me for a month or so before we started going out, but was waiting to see what *I* would do. If I'd hung on the outskirts I wouldn't be with her right now.