Well, I seem to go through a cycle like this once in a while that lasts a week or two. I usually keep my apartment pretty clean, keep the kitchen table cleaned off instead of letting junk pile up, so I put stuff up in the right place, don't let my bills pile up, take out the trash, make my bed, do the dishes, do the laundry, just keep everything going.

And for seemingly no reason, I just... wont. I let the dishes gather up in the dishwasher, I let my laundry pile up. I have a bag or two of trash that needs to be taken out, the table and my computer desk are a mess with junk and papers, and I delay on paying my bills. I have more than enough money in the bank... I just procrastinate. Then, I will buck up one day, clean the house, take out all the trash, pay all the bills, file everything away, do all the dishes, and then sit very clean and satisfied with my organized life.

Just every handful of months, there is seems to be a week or two, were I just... stop for a while.