Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post

She DOES see me as an easy target. I've realized that. I don't know why it's different with her. You would think that from what I've said, she's my first girlfriend. But she's not. I've had multiple in the past, but she is the first that I've ever fallen in love with. And yes, I DO know the difference between love and just liking someone a lot.

The thing is, she's been through a lot. She's been physically and emotionally abused, and other things I'd rather not talk about it. That lead to a deep depression. She got into drinking, drugs, even harming herself. And I was the one there for her. I actually saw through all of that and thought she was different deep down, just needed someone who loves, and cares about her. Who would help her change.
I understand completely, believe me, I've been there. I've fallen for an addict before. The problem is, most of us, myself included, take it for granted that eventually they will clean up their act. In my case, she never did, eventually I had to cut her loose, because if she didn't want to change, then it wasn't worth the time I spent trying to help. I understand that you don't want to see her hurt, but walk away, not only is this something she needs to deal with on her own, but most addicts cannot stop themselves until they hit rock bottom. Maybe you leaving and breaking contact will be her bottom, don't hope for it because the chances are slim. Until she hits that bottom, she will be unhappy, and she will make you unhappy too. You just have to realize that you can't help her through this, and move on and try to be happy. If she cares about you, she'll clean up her act, if she doesn't, she won't and you'll be better off without her. It sucks both ways, but it gets better over time.

Edit: And best of luck to you, this is a hard thing to have to do.