Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post

We've tried just being "friends with benefits" and it didn't work out. She'd tried to use sex as some kind of leverage. It was "take me back, or we won't be friends with benefits". We've tried just being friends, and that didn't either. When she'd find out I'm talking to a girl, etcshe'd become even MORE possessive than she is now. She actually has threatened them to the point that they don't want absolutely nothing to do with me because of her. And I'd always ended up taking her back because she either 1) Threatened to commit suicide 2) Promised things would be different 3) Won't stop calling/texting/IM me.

Sorry for the double post.
tell her your gay.

in all seriousness, put your foot down. if she threatens suicide tell her to stfu and do it.
she won't.
if she doesn't stop calling then just ignore her and shes BOUND to give up eventually.
you need to be the strong one here, even if it hurts to see her like that.
it'll be worth it.