Well, I ended up telling her last night. She was trying to start stuff, and I didn't let it get started, instead I told her that I thought her infection hadn't gone away, and we probably shouldn't have sex or do anything like that until she got checked out, because it probably wasn't a good idea to irritate things any further.

I said almost exactly this when it was clear that she wanted her kissing me to go somewhere: "Hey...uh...stop for a second, OK? Last weekend when we were together, and I probably should have said something then, when I went to take the condom off I saw you had some discharge that isn't the way it normally is and it smelled a little off. I'm thinking maybe that yeast infection you had didn't go away so it's probably not a good idea to do anything sexual until you get it rechecked. If you want I can go with you, I don't have class on Tuesdays and Thursday I'm done at 11 so if you want me to do that, shoot for one of those times."

Did I do something wrong? Because she completely flipped out. I honestly think she's being ridiculously immature about the whole thing, and totally in denial because she HAS to notice something isn't right. And I think I was as supportive, non-judgemental, and tactful as I could be telling her. I didn't accuse her of cheating or having an STD, I didn't imply that her body in any way disgusts me, I didn't just bust out with "your pussy fucking REEKS", I mean I wouldn't have said anything different than I would say if she had a cough that wouldn't go away and I figured it might be time for a doctor visit.

Man, women really suck sometimes...