She just went off on me about how I've seen too many Summer's Eve commercials, and all women have a scent etc etc and I need to pull my head out of my ass and realize that it's not good for girls to douche and they're not supposed to smell like a boquet of flowers.

Well yeah I knew that, but I don't think they're supposed to smell like my basement when I've left a bucket of minnows down there and forgot about it either!

I tried to calm her down and tell her that this problem is RECENT, in no way do I think she smells bad when things are healthy (I don't, that's the total truth, I actually like her scent normally) and it's no big deal at all to go to the doctor to get checked out for an infection millions of women get all the time. If I'm not mistaken it's bad to let female infections go because they can turn into pelvic infections and I'd hate to see that happen just because she wouldn't go in for a quick check and some simple meds.

Whatever. If she wants to be like this about it, maybe whoever gets her next doesn't have a nose and doesn't care if she's healthy or not.