I won't go into the details of my past, but I'm sure I was emotionally abused as a child. Not in the "oh I never got the colour of bike I wanted" way... I was abused in the "you better live up to my unrealistic expectations of how a good kid should act, otherwise you're a terrible child that I should have aborted" way. I think this past is what is causing my current condition of being a person that simply cannot function on a healthy level in normal society. I've lied to friends and family to cover my irratic behaviours and lack of self esteem and I am, quite frankly, sick of it.

Does anybody have any experience with this type of thing? If so, what have you done to get your life on track? Is there any chance I can have a normal life, or did all hope of it go away as soon as I was brought up in a house where I was unable to be a normal child/teenager?