I've never had a girlfriend before.
But on December 12th I met someone online, who completely took me by surprise. She plays counterstrike source with me, we study together, we sing together, we play starcraft, and she even wants to fly down to where I live to come and visit me! (She lives in Canada, I in Texas.)

heres thing.
It was all running so smoothly for about 6 weeks straight. Until get into two big fights, 2 days apart. Both of which were my fault. Completely.
I can go into detail if its important.

I am in love with her, and she is in love with me (this i know, at least before the fight.) but right now... (2 days currently after fight) things just seem different. Like, really different. Before she used to get all excited and right now.. it just doesnt seem like it. She used to send me text messages flattering me, with "*big kisses*"
and I returned the text messages graciously!

But it just seems.. the flame we have is dying.. i dont know what to do..

This has been the most amazing thing i've ever been involved with.. I really feel that hte feeling i have with her right now, doesn't come twice in a lifetime, and i know for alot of people.. this feeling, doesn't even come once.

I'm afraid to lose her.

what should I do? We used to talk 15 hours a day for 6 weeks straight...
maybe its just school?
Maybe she's trying to keep the relationship alive by pushing us away?

I just don't know what to do, and I'm scared to death.