Gwahir and Kill gave you the best advice I can think of for your personal shit, so I'll won't go into that.

As far as missing school and sleeping in and being lazy and unmotivated, go to a doctor, explain the situation to them. A few things that might help are:

A) Get tested for ADD, you may or may not have it. It doesn't always mean the kid who is hyper and cant control himself. Read up on Inattentive ADD in particular.
B) You may want to start taking anti-depressants or some other medication like that. Your doctor will prescribe them to you if depression really is your problem, and just keep trying different ones until something works, and tell your doctor about the ones that don't. Not every anti-depressant works for everyone.
C) Look into therapy. A lot of times therapists can help you, even just by giving you someone to talk to who understands your problem and you don't have to be embarrassed talking to. And you should never be embarrassed about talking to a therapist about this stuff, believe me, you aren't that uncommon and they've heard worse. Your friends are not therapists, they won't be able to help you with your problems, so do not go to them for free counseling.
D) Get bloodwork done to see if you have low thyroid levels, it seems to me (as someone who has low thyroid levels and is on medication for it) that may factor into the equation. If not that just further proves to me that counseling or ADD testing might help.
E) Whatever you do, do something. This shit will not fix itself, and waiting for it to do so will get you nowhere.

Hope I could help, good luck.