I hope he's not gay :S

I told him just yesterday that I am finding it harder to trust him lately, but I never am like OMG WHERE ARE YOU WHO ARE YOU WITH... so he doesn't think I'm paranoid.

Another problem I guess is that I'm away at school during the week and I am home Thursday [night] through Sunday, and I work, too. So it's hard to keep tabs on him.

So.. is getting a friend he doesn't know to try stuff with him a DON'T?... because I think that's really the only way for me to find out... I mean we have a lot of mutual friends, but I'd say most of them are more loyal to him than me so they wouldn't help...

Quote Originally Posted by srsinternets View Post
I hate to say this, but he's probably cheating on you. He probably can't get it up for you because he's been having sex with other girls. Doesn't mean you're unnattractive (quite the opposite I'd say). He's just, unfortunately for you, found another interest.

Hate to be blunt, but I call it how I see it. =\
Well, I'm glad you said it...
I just wish there was another way for me to find out for sure...

I don't get why he wouldn't just leave me?