Quote Originally Posted by gina View Post
Sorry but I think that's a really really shitty idea.

You are ONLY 19. Why be in a relationship if you know it's pretty much doomed? This is gonna waste a lot of time and emotion on your part. And what if you become more attached to him? It's only gonna be harder when it inevitably ends.

And you can't just forget about the fucking obvious hickeys he had. This is such a pisspoor relationship, there's just no point.

Seriously. Find your balls. Man up. (sorry I just say that a lot). Do what's best for yourself. A relationship is supposed to help you grow as a person and you guys grow as a couple. What good is it to just wait around for another bruise to appear?

Get your head out of the clouds and come back down to earth a little. Sorry to be blunt, I am only trying to help.
I understand what you are saying and I really do appreciate that you are saying it bluntly.

I just don't know how to do it... I can't.. I like him so much more than anyone else before.. but, again, I am only 19 and I'm sure there are more guys I will like.

I've never broken up with someone I still like, so I don't know how to go about it...
Plus, we work together.. if I break up with him work won't be nearly as fun... (my one manager calls me heartbreaker because I always break up with my bfs lol.. this would just fuel his fire)

I can't let such a silly excuse stop me I suppose... I'll work on it I guess... or try to.

I really have to say.. this is fantastic advice. Very persuasive. I really appreciate it...