
I began taking Paxil about 5 months ago to combat my depression and mild anxiety. It has worked a lot and I have definitely noticed a positive increase in my mood. But I do not want to stay medicated forever and I have been thinking that it may be best to come off this drug. I have done some research on the withdrawal symptoms of Paxil and, on one end of the spectrum, it seems things could be painful and tedious. But, on the other side, there are many people who don't seem to have too much trouble cutting themselves off cold turkey.

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has a personal experience with this antidepressant, and if so, how was it? How do you think I should proceed about, either weening myself off, or going cold turkey? Also, is there anything I should pay attention to? My depression started during the fall of '08, so it has definitely not been a life long thing. I am confident things would be better, than before, if I stopped taking Paxil, but I'm not sure at all.

I know these are questions for my doctor, and I will ask him, but I have always received good advice from LWS/CD.

Thanks a lot