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Thread: Life has become boring

  1. #1
    can't post; too scared Anonymous's Avatar
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    Default Life has become boring

    God I miss LWS, wish I could be posting this there, but here will do fine.

    So, I've never really had problems with my life, always do well in school and have friends and all that, but everyday walking down the school hallway I always find myself zoning out and runing on auto pilot because I do the EXACT same thing every day. I know I'm in a rut.

    I'm on a week long break from school this week and was happy because, well of course, no school. I decided to spice things up and have a party (my friends and I don't drink or anything so its more of just a hang out then a real party). So my one friend is Jewish and, through an exchange thing in her church, had 5 girls from Isreal staying with her. My friends and I thought that it would kind of be a kill having them around all night but grudgingly accepted it. We couldn't have been more wrong.

    They got to my place late and walked in and mingled (they spoke suprisingly good english). They were fun, nice, flirty, and really pretty. The party was still kind of dull, but not because of the Jews, but because of our other friends who are girls. They seemed so full of drama and bitchy in comparison, and when they all left together the party became extremely fun. Even though it was only 20 minutes between the time the regulars left and the Jewish girls left, those 20 minutes made it the most fun pary my friends and I have had in a long while.

    We played some game where the girls sit in the guy's lap and there is one person without anyone in their lap. 2 names get called and the girls try to get to their lap while the guys try to hold them back. Needless to say it was a nice time to touch each other and all that good stuff, just having fun, and we really did have a lot of fun in those 20 minutes. And we realized later that the people we usually hang out with are really dull in compared to them and just sit around and don't do anything. These girls really showed me and my other friends that we are just kind of dealing with the same things and that even when we think we are having a good time with them, are really are just going through the same things that used to be fun.

    That was last night. Today I found myself extremely depressed because I found that even the parties that are supposed to break up the monotiny are boring ad monotinous because everyone knows each other too well. I'm really bored and none of the usual stuff like video games or working out even seem worth it. I laid in bed all day for the first time in a long time.

    I don't really know what to do. This has shown me that I really hate going through the motions like always. It also showed me that the girls my friends and I hang out with are really no longer fun (there are 2 divisions of them because they had a fight a year ago. I'm kinda in the middle so both sides come to my house and sit in opposite ends of the room doing nothing). I don't really know how to change things. My friends and I hang out without girls and have a good time but eventually it gets to the point where we need some girls there because without them the party just seems incomplete. There aren't really other people to hang out with, everyone in my grade is friends, but have set people they invite to parties so joining another "group" is kind of out.

    I'm sorry to whoever actually read that, it must have been pretty dull. And I'm sorry I had a lot of detail, I just feel like there really isn't anything better to do. I started this week happy to have a break, and now can't wait for it to end and to go back to school. We're going to try to hang out with my Jewish friend and her friends Saturday night before they leave on Sunday, I don't know if it'll happen, but thats really all I have to look forward to now. And no, I don't "like" any of them, I just really like their personalities and how they make things fun.

    Any suggestions on how to spice my life up or anything would be great, because I don't think that I can keep going on doing the same thing. Thanks.

  2. #2
    I killed Tupac Shinysides's Avatar
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    Holy shit. If you're bored, go do something new. Don't post about it in PS. And you were too embarrassed about being bored to post under your own name? Like damn, get a job, go skydiving, go camping, play a sport, get outside. I mean, not to be rude in PS, but A) You just wasted ten minutes of my life that I will never get back and B) you must be the most boring person alive if you're coming on an internet forum and asking how to spice your life up.

  3. #3
    can't post; too scared Anonymous's Avatar
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    I'm in a load of clubs, have an active job, and take pilot lessons, the point is that none of it feels worth doing anymore. I'm looking for something that can make me care about them again, not just new activities that will fill the void for a little while before becoming dull as well.

  4. #4
    I killed Tupac Shinysides's Avatar
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    I can tell you this, if you find all that stuff boring, and you find new things boring, the problem is you. See a counselor(therapist) and speak to your doctor about testing for depression.

  5. #5
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    1. Jews go to synagogue (a.k.a. shul or temple), not church.

    2. Israeli girls, for the record, are stereotypically amazingly hot and, we'll say, "not sexually conservative". So, no surprise there.

    3. Stick to pilot lessons. A pilot's license is an awesome thing to have.

    4. Don't take what Shinysides has said too hard. I know what it's like to have a boring life, and being told to "just go do exciting stuff" is not going to help. The best thing you can do is find people who excite you, who seem to have fun all the time, and spend time with them. Learn from them. I don't think anyone on the internet can give you advice that will work directly; advice like mine can only lead you to people who can give you advice and help you.

    You can't learn fun from text. You learn fun from people. And don't make the error of thinking that "fun" is not something that can or should be learnt.

  6. #6
    can't post; too scared Anonymous's Avatar
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    thanks gwahir

  7. #7
    Canned Kal El's Avatar
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    Take up a hobby, like working out, or find some local groups of interest. I don't know you, so I can't say anything, but I am sure there are groups that do various things together.

    Find something that forces you to plan ahead, set goals, and you'll slowly start to see an increase in your happiness. I did that with one of the activities I mentioned, and I'm now constantly setting goals, reaching them, and making new ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by KT_ View Post

    Yesterday I was playing the Mirror's Edge demo while a dude was eating me out. Mirror's Edge is fucking awesome. I'm excited.
    Quote Originally Posted by victrola View Post
    he may be a faggot but in this case he is correct

  8. #8
    mutton mutton's Avatar
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    1. Consider doing this: Pick something you have or used to have a decent amount of interest in, and throw yourself into it. Spend all your free time on it. You don't need to quit any of your other commitments - the time spent on those other commitments will be a bore, but that serves only to drive you to focus your free time. Sure, you'll have even more of a routine, but you'll grasp things you never knew before. Examples for perspective:

    - At school, you learn a little about every subject, but not everything about one subject.
    - You're in a load of clubs, but maybe not an expert in any of them.

    You want to care again, so to me it seems easier to start caring about one activity than all of them. This is what you'll have to do eventually to pick your education and career, if you don't want the rest of your life to be a bore.

    Okay, but your mentality still says, even if I do this or anything, so what? Then what? It'll get boring. Well, what do you think?

    2. The way you tell it, it's hard to care about what you do with your friends now, so take the initiative to change. Come up with activities you've never done before, and drag them into it. Also, tell them about your issue here, and ask if they feel the same way. Coming up with ways to resolve the dispute between the rival girl groups is probably futile, but has the potential to be very rewarding. That, or ditch them and become a loner having fun by himself (serious possibility).

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    I don't think that I can keep going on doing the same thing. Thanks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    I'm in a load of clubs, have an active job, and take pilot lessons, the point is that none of it feels worth doing anymore. I'm looking for something that can make me care about them again, not just new activities that will fill the void for a little while before becoming dull as well.
    These two statements seem contradictory on the surface. Did I get the idea right with my two points above?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    These girls really showed me and my other friends that we are just kind of dealing with the same things and that even when we think we are having a good time with them, are really are just going through the same things that used to be fun.
    The way you word this makes me think that even the Israeli girls are bored with doing the same fun things over and over again, which could well be true. is an article which I haven't read and probably doesn't apply to you directly at all, but may be insightful.

    You miss LWS? Did you have fun there? Why?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mutton View Post
    1. Consider doing this: Pick something you have or used to have a decent amount of interest in, and throw yourself into it. Spend all your free time on it. You don't need to quit any of your other commitments - the time spent on those other commitments will be a bore, but that serves only to drive you to focus your free time. Sure, you'll have even more of a routine, but you'll grasp things you never knew before. Examples for perspective:

    - At school, you learn a little about every subject, but not everything about one subject.
    - You're in a load of clubs, but maybe not an expert in any of them.

    You want to care again, so to me it seems easier to start caring about one activity than all of them. This is what you'll have to do eventually to pick your education and career, if you don't want the rest of your life to be a bore.

    Okay, but your mentality still says, even if I do this or anything, so what? Then what? It'll get boring. Well, what do you think?

    2. The way you tell it, it's hard to care about what you do with your friends now, so take the initiative to change. Come up with activities you've never done before, and drag them into it. Also, tell them about your issue here, and ask if they feel the same way. Coming up with ways to resolve the dispute between the rival girl groups is probably futile, but has the potential to be very rewarding. That, or ditch them and become a loner having fun by himself (serious possibility).

    These two statements seem contradictory on the surface. Did I get the idea right with my two points above?

    The way you word this makes me think that even the Israeli girls are bored with doing the same fun things over and over again, which could well be true. is an article which I haven't read and probably doesn't apply to you directly at all, but may be insightful.

    You miss LWS? Did you have fun there? Why?

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