Quote Originally Posted by mutton View Post
1. Consider doing this: Pick something you have or used to have a decent amount of interest in, and throw yourself into it. Spend all your free time on it. You don't need to quit any of your other commitments - the time spent on those other commitments will be a bore, but that serves only to drive you to focus your free time. Sure, you'll have even more of a routine, but you'll grasp things you never knew before. Examples for perspective:

- At school, you learn a little about every subject, but not everything about one subject.
- You're in a load of clubs, but maybe not an expert in any of them.

You want to care again, so to me it seems easier to start caring about one activity than all of them. This is what you'll have to do eventually to pick your education and career, if you don't want the rest of your life to be a bore.

Okay, but your mentality still says, even if I do this or anything, so what? Then what? It'll get boring. Well, what do you think?

2. The way you tell it, it's hard to care about what you do with your friends now, so take the initiative to change. Come up with activities you've never done before, and drag them into it. Also, tell them about your issue here, and ask if they feel the same way. Coming up with ways to resolve the dispute between the rival girl groups is probably futile, but has the potential to be very rewarding. That, or ditch them and become a loner having fun by himself (serious possibility).

These two statements seem contradictory on the surface. Did I get the idea right with my two points above?

The way you word this makes me think that even the Israeli girls are bored with doing the same fun things over and over again, which could well be true.

http://www.eyeweekly.com/article/55882 is an article which I haven't read and probably doesn't apply to you directly at all, but may be insightful.

You miss LWS? Did you have fun there? Why?