I have been on this anti depressant for about 6 months now, and my prescription has ran out. I won't see a doctor till next week and have 2 pills left. The past week I have been taking 1 one night, and skipping it the next. Last 2 nights I have had to go without and I am really starting to feel it. I didn't realise how stopping taking these kinds of drugs could have a nasty effect on you. I feel slightly sick all of the time, am either too cold or too hot, I have a constant dull headache and have a hard time staying awake, and falling asleep.

The drug itself stopped working months ago, all it does is make me heavy at night and give me a hard time waking up. I will need to see if I can change them. This doctors appointment cannot come soon enough. anyone else been on this particular anti depressant? How did it affect you when you came off them? How did you come off them, if you have?