Quote Originally Posted by Atmosfear View Post
I just got back from Pennsylvania and you are a faggot for growing up there.
How do you know where I grew up? Are you clairvoyant?

Basing an assumption of heritage/where somebody was raised at on the location they currently reside is pretty dumb. As is basing your opinion on somebody based off of where they were raised.

Quote Originally Posted by Atmosfear View Post
Also you wouldn't know good parenting if it cockslapped you between the eyes.

At the point they borrow money "constantly" and he has to lend his girlfriend money to lend her parents, it's past the point of "well if they pay her back" bullshit. If my mom needs 50 bucks and I have cash, I give it to her; I don't lend her money. At the point you need to keep score with your parents, they have failed as parents. At the point you have to borrow money from your friends to support their weed habit, they have failed as parents.
I feel as though I have a good, if not great idea of what good parenting is. It doesn't involve a clause saying if you live in a certain economic background or borrow money (with the intent to pay back) from your children you're a bad parent.

Your opinion of a bad parent is your own, however I feel as though you're naïve and unexposed to a very real chunk of reality if you feel as though they have failed as parents because they borrow money.

Quote Originally Posted by Atmosfear View Post
And truthfully, the statement that the OP is best qualified to judge the situation is simply bullshit because he obviously can't figure out how to avoid these situations in the first place. The moment he caught wind of this shit, it should have been automatic: cut out this bullshit and grow up or find someone else.
So because his girlfriends parents are at worst "less than ideal" and have an extremely minor impact on his life, his opinion on whether or not they're good parents (worth more than yours and mine simply because he has experiences to base it on) is null and he should dump her and "grow up"?

Seems pretty dumb to me.