Again I'm just going to say to listen to faesce that is good advice. Just remember that these flaws you think your body has are insignificant and there is no one who will care that you have flat feet, your toes curve or your nose can get big when you laugh. If someone says something like you have a "nigga nose" or alien feet just laugh and agree.

I think it is really important to be able to laugh at yourself, accept and embrace the way you are. Shit there are plenty of things about me that used to get to me, I have a huge head and a giant jew-like nose. I used to be more self conscious about those kind of things and when people would point it out I didn't like it. Now accept it and laugh it off or make a joke about it and it doesn't bother me at all anymore. I realized that these kind of superficial differences in people really just don't matter at all. Anyone who does care about something that stupid and trivial isn't worth being around.