You seem like you're a pretty cool recruiter. Hate to say it but my recruiter doesnt seem knowledgeable AT ALL. He actually comes across as kind of an asshole. I came in with a whole list of specific questions (more than a few regarding options, specifically What are options 18-21?, Questions answered now though) and my recruiter just looked at me blank stare and asked me to explain them to him, because he wasnt quite sure what I was talking about. Just going off that it was hard to take anything he told me at face value. Then other questions I would ask he would just start talking, sales pitch like trying to sell me on the subject.

Unlike the majority of people, just because the person I'm talking to seems absolutley sure of something DOES NOT convince me.

Hell, I'm a bit of a salesperson myself. I know how incredibly easy it is to convince somebody of something as long as I seem sure of it myself. For instance, I got my buddy to believe that the government was covering up the existance of unicorns- Yeah right? But I digress.

And then he has the nerve to tell me that "he can tell than I'm a smart guy, but I might wanna cover that up in the army." What does he think I'm going to try and one up him?

Enough ranting. I guess you could say I'd fall under the last resort category. I went to college for a year, have a high school diploma, so If I enlisted I'd go in as an E2. I'm just not sure if college is for me you know? The more I've considered joining the army, the more it appeals to me. The fact that I don't have to sit behind a desk is just awesome. I scored an 88 on my AVSAB, with a 123 GT, which I'm under the impression that means I pretty much qualify for everything. I'd definitely want to do infantry though, Rangers specifically. He tells me that theres no way to get anything guarenteed in my contract (I heard that I could get the recruiter to reserve MOS?) and that I should just be happy about serving. Dont get me wrong, serving this country would be great, but If I can get a few grand in bonuses than I'd like to do that as well. No harm in that.

The general consensus I got from the three recruiters bombarding me at once was that doing my homework on this HUGE commitment I'd be thinking about making was frowned upon. It was as if they expected me to waltz in and sign a contract without any knowledge of what I was getting my self into. Which seems totally asinine to me. I kept hearing the words "Ya need to stop listening to shithouse lawyers. Who would know better than us?" Realistically though, am I going to take the word of someone who gets PAID for the numbers? Am I going to buy a car without doing a bit of research on gas mileage and longetivity, or am I going to run right into the dealership and just eat up the fact that "This hummer gets 100 mpg."

I guess I'm postin this because I figure that It's not right to judge the charectar of a whole institution based on the actions and words of a few people. And I'm really just getting cold feet because it IS a huge commitment, and I'm just scared that I'm going to sign on the dotted line and hate it.