Yes I know none of you are doctors and I should go see one, but for a few days at least I can't. I'm hoping someone here has experience with what I'm going through right now.

Basically about two months ago I got a cough. I was an idiot and didn't go to the doctor for it, a month later that cough became bronchitis and a terrible case of sinusitis. When things got bad I went to the doctor, he prescribed me two antibiotics (completed the final treatment a few days ago) and Advair. Things got MUCH better but a few days ago I started getting a pain in my throat whenever I swallow. The pain extends to my ears and if I touch my neck below my jawline it is sensitive. It was keeping me up tonight and after some prodding I realized that my left tonsil is pretty swollen.

Reading online tells me that I shouldn't be freaking myself out, but I want someone here to tell me it'll be alright if I wait a few days to go to the doctor. The pain isn't unbearable but it is pretty bad. I've never had tonsillitis before so I'm not sure what a good case or a bad case would look like.

Any help? I've been taking ibuprofen for the pain, any other over the counter medicine I should be looking for in the mean time?
