My girlfriend and I have been together for a year or so. We say our " I love yous' and what not.
Well recently.. she kind of stopped with the affection. I don't get that many I love yous, as I used to..
And today she told me it was creepy posting on her facebook (on her wall) "I Love you."

I've given her the cold shoulder for like the past hour, and she's been calling like crazy.. she's going to call again after she gets done with work. I need to know what to tell her, or what to say. I like a girl who's affectionate with me.. But it seems right now, I'm the only one showing the affection. Am I making it too easy for her? I say I Love you all the time, and I even bought her a few desired things..

Should I play hard to get? I'm unsure of what I want to do, or how to explain it.

I just don't want to be the guy that gets walked all over his girlfriend because he's too easy with his affection.

Know what I mean?
