Quote Originally Posted by faesce View Post
in order for a healthy relationship to work, both parties need to know what they want. she doesn't sound like she knows what she wants, and there's nothing you can do to change that imo--its on her

i think you should stop letting her control the ride, and if you do get back together with her in the future make it very clear you're not going to deal with any more of this "i don't know what i want i love my ex etc" bullshit, because to be honest if a girl did that shit to me she'd be on the curb in about 1 second. it might be a little too late to salvage the situation, but remember (in the future) that you're in control of your relationships--don't get jerked around, no matter how much you like the person.

bottom line: at this point, i wouldn't waste your time with her unless she decides you're important enough to her to not warrant messing with your head/jerking you around
I agree with you whole heartedly my man, and its definitely going to be different in any future relationships I have, I went into the relationship thinking that 99% of people's couple drama is bullshit and now ive just been brought into this and I feel completely powerless.

Also screw you im telling you anyway, the cinema was crap, barely looked at each other the whole time and couldnt stand being so close to her and not being able to do anything.