Quote Originally Posted by gina View Post
Recently my ex-boyfriend (lol lance bass) posted on my wall (lol facebook) to see how I was doing. So I went to his page to tell him I'm doin' fine. (don't worry, this is not a post about him) I saw that his current girlfriend posted shit alllll over his wall saying things like, "omg ur going 2 b here in 3 hours omg i miss yyyyyyyyooooooooouuuu i looooovvvveee eyooooouuu sososososos much omfg omg wtf" and whatnot. They've been dating for, oh, say, six months and they're already throwing around the L word. (lol tv show)

A question arises. Do guys actually like crap like that? I hear so much bullshit from my guy friends about all the stupid things their girlfriends do, and apparently over-smothering is right there at the top. Honestly, seeing shit like that on facebook, or in life, just makes me sick to my stomach. Why the fuck are people so reliant on relationships these days? Like there's some sort of relationship-comes-first mindset that everyone seems to have tapped into.

tl;dr version why can't everyone just shut the fuck up every so often

Non faggots don't like girls doing that. It's fucking annoying.