I don't think you're being a little bitch, but you're certainly in a co-dependent crappy relationship. Sorry. You said it yourself. Life is great when you're with her and everything's happy, and life sucks and is shit when she's in a bad mood.

Okay, I read the entire post. Yes I did. Listen, brah, you are NOT her savior. You can't solve her problems for her. Sure, life seems like it blows the big fat cock for her right now, but really all you can do is act like a positive support system right now. But there's so much negativity surrounding it, and you're useless when she's sad, that it's completely negating all your intentions for her.

I have no idea how old you are, you sound like perhaps college age, but a mature relationship is one that helps the couple TOGETHER grow. You guys are now growing negatively to each other, which is going to make it all the more difficult when the shit finally gets piled too high and you can't take it anymore. I understand all the "love" and "oh man but we rly care bout eachother" shit, but really you need to start thinking about yourself more.

Seriously, this post was fucking gigantic and it was all about one person. And, yeah, okay, maybe you are being a whiny little bitch about it but it's understandable. You want to help but you can't. And really, what it boils down to in life is that no one person can help change another person. They can only change themselves.

I've been around the block. I've seen plenty of my friends come to me and bitch about their relationships. All they want to talk about is the person they're with. They don't say exactly how they're feeling about it. My advice is to take a step back and really look at what you're getting out of this relationship. Outweigh the positive and the negative. The choice might become obvious. Whether or not you want to take the specific course of action is up to you, I can't make that decision for you. No one can. What will make you feel better in the long run is not always the option you want, but you have to think about yourself for a change.