OP here.

She's definitely not a lesbian. I know this. She's just never had a boyfriend before, and while I can see how you could think she and her/my friend might be muff lovers, that's not really true. I guess you have to personally know them to tell this, but, for now, just take my word for it. She's not a lesbian.

That said, here's a new update and further proof to show that not only is she straight, but she might even have a thing for me (the very thing I've been looking for).

I was driving around yesterday to kill time while waiting for my friends to become readily available to hang out, this girl being one of them. She texted me, asking if I wanted to have a companion to drive around with. I replied back with "Oh yes please." She said she'd be ready in 15 minutes, which she was.

Long story short, we continue to drive around, and we go to a grocery store, where she asks me and I agree to buy her fireworks (though at first she said "No, you don't have to, I was just kidding." But I quickly talked her into letting me be nice and buy them). We do, and leave the store, and go back to my house, where she lies down on my bed. (This is a common thing when we hang out - either her or her friend lie on my bed. And no, they never lie on it together.) Knowing we'd be alone for some time, I grab a pillow and lie down next to her. We talk and talk. I eventually start to lie closer to her, and it got to the point where she's on her back and my arm is around her, hugging her pretty much. And, I don't see how she could have not have missed this, but my hand was clearly (and I tired my hardest to not make it creepy) edging, and finally got to resting on her left breast. I'd even move my hand to scratch my arm, and put it back, and she carried on as if nothing ever happened.

That was the thing - she acted totally cool, and not at all uncomfortable. She showed me arms, and we compared how tan she was to me, and I showed her that my arms are very hairy, but since all my hair is blonde, you can't really tell. All the while my hand was on her breast and the other arm across her, hugging her. We did some other stupid things too (like she let me touch her nose where she once had a pimple and it left an indent but I couldn't feel or see it for the life of me), and again, all with total comfort and ease.

Then, our friend (her friend - and, for the record, I say "her friend" just to clarify that I'm talking about the other girl. She's just as close as a friend to me as she is to her) comes over, and I get off the bed to let her into my room (I locked the door because my older brother who is living with us at the moment is kinda nosey and intrusive), where the girl I have a thing for got off the bed and just sat on the ground (I don't know why), and our friend sat on the bed, and picked up the pillow that I had been lying on. Jokingly, she asked "Were you two cuddling?" Before I could say anything or comprehend what was just asked, the girl I like said "Yes.", but not in a grossed out, annoyed or uncomfortable tone.

After that, we went outside, lit up sparklers, and just B.S.'d. Us cuddling was never brought up again (though the girl I like seemed extra talkative to me).

So Internet, that's the story as of now. Personally, I feel that what happened during our solo hang out session pretty much gave me the vibe that she also has a thing for me, but was probably a little nervous and not too sure how to bring it up (probably felt it'd be awkward, which I can understand - I contemplated bringing it up at some point, but backed off for that very reason), so I think that I should ask if she wants to hang out, just her and I alone again, and see what happens. And I say I feel that things might be looking the way I hoped they would because, unless she's just OK with dudes just randomly lying next to her, pretty much spooning and having their hands on her breast, then I think it's safe to at least assume she likes me too.

Now, your thoughts/advice.